Important Accounting Dates
5th April
Financial Year End.
6th April
Start of the new Financial Year.
Any changes to PAYE tax codes need to be implemented today.
19th April
All PAYE liabilities due for year to 5th April must be paid to HMRC by this date.
19th May
P35’s and P14’s must be submitted on-line to HMRC by this date.
31st May
Give each relevant employee a form P60.
6th July
Forms P11D, P9D and P11D(b) must reach HMRC by this date.
19th July
Payment of Class 1A National Insurance from Form P11D(b) must be paid to HMRC by this date. If paying electronically then the deadline becomes the 22nd July.
31st July
Second Payment on Account must be paid to HMRC by this date.
1st October
National Minimum Wage rates are usually changed with effect from this date.
31st January
All SA Tax Returns must be submitted to HMRC on-line by this date for the previous year to 5th April.
Any Personal tax liability for the previous period to 5th April should be paid to HMRC by this date.
First Payment on Account must be paid by this date.